The QBox
The QBox is a conversational platform designed to engage the basic questions we have about the day to day concepts that we encounter. This a space where we demystify and democraticize knowledge for the primary purpose of giving us a better voice when engaging current affairs, finance, economics and everything in between.
The QBox
How Should We Handle Grief?
Setumo Seroka
Season 1
Episode 4
We are faced with unprecedented times of continuous loss and grief due to the unending pandemic. This grief like Dan Koontz puts it “…can destroy you - or focus you”. In this episode we have a candid and intimate conversation with the illustrious Letshego Zulu who shares her experience of how she dealt with her pain and grief. She offers some thoughts about what worked for her journey and what proved to be regressive. Through some unorthodox means she finds healing and beauty that is within grasp for those who dare to live.